Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Moments of Little Discoveries and Light-Bulbs

My oldest GrandBoy is 5 and he lights up our world. He's funny, confident, almost too-independent and, he's uber-creative. You can almost see the gears in his brain moving, designing and thinking. All the time. It's one of my favorite things about him.

Yesterday we went to enjoy the sunshine by doing some painting on a (washable!) blanket in the backyard, as his favorite subject to paint are sticks and he and his Papa had just collected a few of them.

We usually have a stack of freshly-painted sticks hanging around...

But yesterday, I watched him break up a small, thin one, try to paint it and then discover that he could dip the ends in the paint without the brush. It was such a gift to watch this discovery, that light-bulb moment...

We picked them up and placed them in an Angry Bird paper cup...
...because I thought they were spectacular, and wanted to "save" them cause I've got big plans for those sticks...